SCITECH DAILY – Researchers estimate that the total global numbers of new and existing HSV infections among 15–49-year-olds in 2020 were 42 million and 846 million, respectively.
And the estimated number of 15–49-year-olds who had at least one episode of genital sores in 2020 was 188 million for those infected with HSV-2, and 17 million for those infected with genital HSV-1, adding up to a total of 205 million.
The researchers acknowledge various limitations to their findings, including the scarcity of data for people at either end of the age spectrum and relatively wide ranges for some of their estimates.
But they nevertheless conclude:
“HSV infections are widely prevalent in all global regions, leading to a significant burden of [genital ulcer disease] with repercussions on psychosocial, sexual, and reproductive health, neonatal transmission, and HIV transmission.
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“However, hardly any specific programs for HSV prevention and control exist, even in resource-rich countries.”
They add:
“There is a need for HSV prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines as a strategic approach to control transmission and to curb the disease and economic burdens of these infections.”
“Estimated global and regional incidence and prevalence of herpes simplex virus infections and genital ulcer disease in 2020: mathematical modelling analyses” by Manale Harfouche, Sawsan AlMukdad, Asalah Alareeki, Aisha M M Osman, Sami Gottlieb, Jane Rowley, Laith J Abu-Raddad and Katharine J Looker, 10 December 2024, Sexually Transmitted Infections.
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