FUTUREISM.COM – In news that’s sure to kickstart a wave of recriminations, researchers have estimated that almost 17,000 people died in six countries during the first COVID-19 wave due to the use…
US drug shortages reach record high with 323 meds now in short supply
ARS TECHNICA – Drug shortages in the US have reached an all-time high, with 323 active and ongoing shortages already tallied this year, according to data collected by the American Society of…
Add Five More Years with One Therapy
LIFE EXTENSION – My 40-year quest to persuade supporters to keep their blood pressure in lower ranges continues to fail! I’ll never forget a call I received from a dedicated Life Extension®…
What is the risk of bird flu transmitting to humans?
MAYO CLINIC – Health officials around the globe, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, are monitoring the ongoing avian influenza…
City-Country Mortality Gap Widens Amid Persistent Holes in Rural Health Care Access
KFF HEALTH NEWS – In Matthew Roach’s two years as vital statistics manager for the Arizona Department of Health Services, and 10 years previously in its epidemiology program, he has witnessed a…
Francis Collins: Why I’m going public with my prostate cancer diagnosis
THE WASHINGTON POST – Over my 40 years as a physician-scientist, I’ve had the privilege of advising many patients facing serious medical diagnoses. I’ve seen them go through the excruciating experience of…
5 Vitamins You Can Overdose on
AARP – Vitamin use is commonplace among older Americans. Research has found that 78 percent of adults 50 and older take vitamins or supplements, according to a 2021 AARP survey. For adults…
Biden White House Mourns O.J. Simpson, Silent on Victims’ Families
(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The White House extended its condolences to the mourning family of infamous athlete and convicted felon O.J. Simpson, following his death on Thursday. Disturbingly, the White House failed to acknowledge…
Treating gum disease may ward off an irregular heartbeat
NEW SCIENTIST – Treating gum disease after a procedure to correct an irregular and abnormally fast heart rate may lower the risk of the cardiac condition reoccurring. The disorder, known as atrial…
O.J. Simpson Dead – Headline Health
THE NEW YORK TIMES – O.J. Simpson, who ran to fame on the football field, made fortunes as a Black all-American in movies, advertising and television, and was acquitted of killing his…