THE NEW YORK POST – As a primary care physician, I administer vaccines on a regular basis, from flu to tetanus to pneumonia to shingles.
I bring these vaccines out during doctors visits, and I discuss the pros and cons with my patients while the vaccines are being displayed.
I am completely open about potential side effects.
The core vaccine conversation between doctor and patient is a risk/benefit analysis.
It’s a discussion, one in which the patient decides.
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One of the big mistakes made by the Biden administration with the COVID vaccines is not having this discussion.
President Biden claimed that the Trump administration didn’t work on “vaccinating the American public” against COVID-19 — despite the fact that some people were already getting vaccinated by the time Trump left office.
Biden twists the COVID record, The NY Times frets over (imaginary) racism and more
Rather than keeping expectations realistic — telling folks that the vaccine would lessen the severity of COVID, instead of preventing a patient from getting it — the administration forced as many as it could to get the jab through mandates.
Instead of being upfront that there was a slight risk of side effects, the administration put pressure on social-media companies to censor any discussion.
Now we have research data from the Global Vaccine Data Network that details exactly what risks accompany the COVID vaccines.
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The study found what has been shown previously in smaller studies — that side effects from the vaccines are mostly mild, but they aren’t non-existent … READ MORE.
Marc Siegel, MD, is a clinical professor of medicine and medical director of Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health and a Fox News medical analyst.