ABERDEEN LIVE – Lucy Jones, a dietitian and chief clinical officer at Oviva, has spoken to the Daily Star to reveal her top three tips for losing belly fat fast.
She said: “Targeting particular body areas is hard, but there is some evidence from studies like the Framlingham Heart Study, that eating less sugar and refined carbs and instead replacing these with wholegrain foods can help to reduce more abdominal fat.”
Lucy’s advice about cutting down on sugar is also supported by Brenda Rea, a doctor at Loma Linda University Health. She also says sugar can create an “inflammatory response in the body, putting the body in a stressed-out state”.
When the body experiences inflammation and stress, it’s known to store fat at the belly.
Other experts say consistently eating a high-carb, high-sugar diet gradually increases your insulin levels over time.
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Insulin is the number one regulator of glucose and fat metabolism in the body, so high levels of insulin over time result in fat storage, specifically around the belly.
Studies have also proven wholegrain foods can help cut belly fat, such as one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition …